Lush Haul!

So I went on a "little" spending trip to Lush the other day.. 
I'v been watching all sorts of videos on youtube about their bath bombs and I got too excited to try one. 
Or a few.. 
So after having done a bit of research on youtube about wich bath bombs I should get, I went to Lush.

Here's what I bought: 

Sex bomb Bath bomb, €6,05

Twilight Bath Bomb €5,25

Bunny Bubble Bar
 (I couldn't find the price of this one, because it was a leftover from easter)

Space Girl Bath Bomb €4,55

Golden Egg Ballistic
This one also was a leftover from easter, but I think it's a bit like the Sunny Side Bubble Bar. But then as a Bath Ballistic/ Bath Melt.

Of course, I also bought Dragon's Egg. I heard so much about this one, I just had to try it out. And it, indeed, was an awesome bath experience!
This one was €6,05

I had a really nice conversation with the shop girl while I was choosing which Bath Ballistics to buy. And at the end she threw this one (Think Pink Bath Ballistic, €5,25) in for free! I thought it was so nice of her! It made my day just a little bit extra better.

I really encourage you to go and try all the lovely bath products Lush sells!



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